Friday, November 03, 2006

Amara Graps talk on Space Water to Earth; 2006 Nov. 06 USC

Physics and Astronomy Colloquium Abstract
November 6
Watering the Earth
Amara Graps
Institute of Physics of Interplanetary Space, Rome - Planetary Science Institute, Tucson
Water is one of the key molecules of life, and a fundamental solvent of our own human life form. The planet that spawned our watery origins, Earth, presently carries enough surface water in vapor or liquid form to cover the entire planet to a depth of about 3 km. The fact that nearly three-quarters of the Earth's surface is covered by seas triggered writer Arthur C. Clarke to question why our planet is called *Earth*, when it could more aptly be called *Ocean*. Driven by our watery origins, we naturally look for other life forms in the universe at the "water hole" (wavelengths 18-21 cm)

"Generally speaking, a molecule becomes ionized if exposed to rough treatment,
and it will recombine if given time to heal its wounds." ----
Hannes Alfvén

Amara Graps:

I am an astronomer in Rome, working on missions that carry INAF's infrared spectrometers. My special interests are circumplanetary dust physics and the origin of water on Earth.

Sometimes, I also write science and engineering-related numerical analysis software and popular science articles for newsletters, magazines, and journals.

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