Friday, June 01, 2007

Christopher Hitchens on the Essential Stupidity of Religion

wow! My count is now up to 8 of anti-"Religion" people! what is going on? A touch of sanity attacking the psychotic monster of Obsolete Religion. Wonderful!

Christopher Hitchens on the Essential Stupidity of Religion

"Many people have been motivated to do grand, good things by faith, but why is that necessary?"

Tuesday, May 29, 2007 - 6:00 pm
(Illustration by Mr. Fish)
He appears equally capable of pissing into your grandmother�s fish tank and beating you at chess: the quasi-omniscient Johnny Rotten of political journo-intellectualism, looking as if he were assembled hastily by sausage makers hoping to fill a suit with all the succulent impropriety of vitriolic yet delectable meats. A man well aware that the shortest distance (and least interesting path) between birth and death is a very straight line, he has the reputation of someone prone to the rich experiences offered by staggering. But contrary to the corroborating promises all but guaranteed by the YouTube versions of himself, Christopher Hitchens was not an as-advertised fucking dickhead asshole bully, much to my dismay.

It was like meeting a clown without his makeup, away from the hysteria of his profession, who appears lovely and handsome and noble, if only because he isn�t trapped in a spotlight at the center of a ludicrous pie fight. CON. HERE

This week Slate is publishing three excerpts from Christopher Hitchens' new book, God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything.

God Is Not Great by Christopher Hitchens.If the followers of the prophet Muhammad hoped to put an end to any future "revelations" after the immaculate conception of the Koran, they reckoned without the founder of what is now one of the world's fastest-growing faiths.

1. Hitchens
2. God: The Failed Hypothesis. How Science Shows That God Does Not Exist by Victor J Stenger
3. Kathleen Kennedy's
4. Julia Sweeney's One Woman Play and Freedom from Religion Society and Jesus!, Protect me from your Follower's Lawsuit against the US Media, President Bush, US Congress & Senate!
5. Sam Harris

6. The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins
7. The Assault on Reason by Al Gore!
8. The Hoax of Salvation by John Lash!

One of the better reviews on Amazon
Hitchens hits another one out of the park, April 29, 2007 I think Christopher Hitchens is a national - no, make that Global - treasure, and his newest book here only underscores this. To carry on with my baseball metaphor, when Hitchens stepped up to the plate with this book on religion the bases were already loaded: Vonnegut on third, Sam Harris on second, and Richard Dawkins on first. Hitchens knocks 'em all in with one swing of the bat. He cuts through the BS of religion and "faith" better than anybody.
the increasingly publicly-accepted insanity of religion in this, the 21st century. This insanity threatens to bring down all of civilization and, in the case of American fundamentalists in our government with their quivering fingers poised atop the launch buttons of our nuclear weapons, the end of Everything, which religious nut-jobs anticipate with unrestrained glee, so certain they are that they, at least, will be OK in the aftermath. This is just absolutely nuts, and Christopher Hitchens does us all a great service in pointing this out.
more at

see more at amazon with their forums on this topic

Salvation and Why You Don't Need It

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