Monday, August 06, 2007

Jason Bourne Ultimatum antidote to US "govt." shredding Universal Human Rights

"Hollywood" continues the "we're only doing this "to save American Lives""! subtext. Two other films in x had the same agenda....Reduce "terrorism" by introducing Universal Human
Rights for all Humans. The Creator gave all Humans the 5th Amendment and the right
to not be tortured or "interrorgated"...

David vs. G.O.L.I.A.T.H.

"Privacy?!, Get Over It!" , Bill Clinton after Monica Lewenski

How to help the "terrroritius" theArms race heats UP

“Goodbye Privacy” is the theme of this year’s Ars Electronica, the festival extraordinaire of art, technology and society in Linz, Austria. September 5–11, 2007, the focus will be on these late-breaking phenomena of a new culture of everyday life being played out between angst-inducing scenarios of seamless surveillance and the zest we bring to staging our public personas via digital media.

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