Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Atheism taking off! Sam Harris, Dawkins, Dennett; time to get a "religion" update, upgrade, open source "religion"

Illustrations by David Johnson for Newsweek
A New Take on Atheism: Armed with evolutionary psychology and inflamed by the 9/11 attacks, these authors--Richard Dawkins (left), Sam Harris (center) and Daniel C. Dennett--treat belief in God as a superstition the modern world can no longer afford

The New Naysayers
In the midst of religious revival, three scholars argue that atheism is smarter.
By Jerry Adler
It is not just extremists who earn the wrath of Dawkins and Harris. Their books are attacks on religious "moderates" as well—indeed, the very idea of moderation. The West is not at war with "terrorism," Harris asserts in "The End of Faith"; it is at war with Islam, a religion whose holy book, "on almost every page ... prepares the ground for religious conflict." Christian fundamentalists, he says, have a better handle on the problem than moderates: "They know what it's like to really believe that their holy book is the word of God, and there's a paradise you can get to if you die in the right circumstances.

Best update, upgrade, & open source "religion" process was done by Timothy Leary way back
in the 60's called "The Seven Tongues of God"! check it out in "Politics of XTC", 1968.

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