Thursday, September 07, 2006

Noosphere Yes! PsYchedelics & Evolution of TechnoScience talk by Richard Doyle

See Webcast info below>

Lecture/Lecture Series
Computer and Information Technology Institute
Humanities Research Center
Office of the Vice Provost and University Librarian
Speaker: Richard Doyle
Pennsylvania State University

Technology, Cognition and Culture Lecture Series:
Just say yes to the Noƶsphere: Psychedelics and the Evolution of Information Technologies
Monday, October 9, 2006
4:00 PM to 5:00 PM
McMurtry Auditorium Duncan Hall
Rice University
6100 Main St
Houston, Texas, USA

Before its possession became a criminal offense in the United States, the psychedelic compound LSD-25 was given to engineers and designers to break "creative logjams" and promote innovation in the Cold War United States. In the late 1950's and early 1960's, for example, the Ampex Corporation(inventor of the Video Tape Recorder) studied the effects of LSD on their engineers, and the result was a growing body of literature and data on psychedelic regimens and their effects on technical innovation.

These regimens included precise and intensive algorithms for psychedelic experience such as the epigraph above – although essentially ineffable, psychedelic experience was treated as fundamentally and essentially programmable. This talk will offer an historical, evolutionary and ecological framework for comprehending and evaluating recent claims by innovators such as Mitch Kapor (Lotus, spreadsheets), Mark Pesce(Virtual Reality Markup Language) and Kary Mullis (Polymerase Chain Reaction) that psychedelics played an integral role in the invention of their breakthrough information technologies. Given the importance of programming to psychedelic experience, the talk will suggest that psychedelic adjuncts were useful to engineers and scientists less because they "expanded" consciousness than because they trained subjects in practices of focused attention.

Continuing his collaborative work on the “transhuman imperative”, Doyle is currently completing the trilogy with a scholarly book about archaic and contemporary psychedelic media technologies and the evolution of mind: LSDNA: Ecodelics, Rhetoric and the Evolution of Mind. Other current projects include [a novel about the life of writer Philip K. Dick and a book, Admixtures: Dialogues After Genomics with Mark Shriver. Doyle directs the Penn State Composition Program and serves as Expert, Wetwares and Human/Machine interaction for international organizations.

On Beyond Living book>

Webcast Event Details

Technology, Cognition and Culture Lecture Series - Title TBA
Richard Doyle, Professor of Rhetoric and Science, Department of English, Penn State University
date:4:00PM to 5:00PM US Central (GMT −0500)
Monday, October 9, 2006
length:1 hour, 0 minutes
location:McMurtry Auditorium, Duncan Hall
sponsor:Computer and Information Technology Institute, Center for the Study of Cultures, Fondren Library
more info:Event Website
watch:This event has not yet occurred; stream links will appear 20 minutes prior to the event.
Please check back later, or contact the Webcast team if you believe this is in error.

LSDNA : Consciousness Expansion and the Emergence of Biotechnology
Richard Doyle
Copyright 2001

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