Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Mark Pesce demurrs on 2012 Paranoia > audio from Burning Man

Psychedelic Salon Podcast Listing
(programs 16 - 48)

Psychedelic Salon - 048
(right click to save . . . Mac users click and HOLD

The 2006 Palenque Norte Lectures at the Burning Man Festival

This was the most ambitious schedule yet for the Palenque Norte lectures, 39 speakers in four days. Thanks to the good folks at Entheon Village who provided the facility, which was one of the largest tents on the playa this year, they took place without too many problems sneaking up on us. In this podcast you will hear sound bites from the talks given by Mark Pesce, Erik Davis, Daniel Pinchbeck, Alex Grey,

Palenque Norte 2006 - Burning Man Sound Bites Podcast

By Lorenzo on September 12th, 2006
Posted in Lorenzo's Posts, All Posts, Announcements |

from Lorenzo site/blog>

Well, I finally got a new podcast published. As promised, I’ve included a few sound bites from this year’s Palenque Norte lectures at Burning Man. In order to get this online in a hurry, I used cuts from some poor quality cassette tape recordings I made during the talks. Before another week is up I plan on having the first of the higher quality recordings in podcast format. . . . Right now I’m still recovering (and cleaning my camping gear) from a week in the Black Rock Desert. . . . Stay tuned, as they say. :-)

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