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Tom (TE) says- As the Europeans are well aware, air power -- given the civilian casualties that invariably follow in its wake -- is intensely counterproductive in a guerrilla war. "Every civilian dead means five new Taliban," was the way a British officer just returned from Helmand Province put it recently.
However, an air-power strategy fits American predilections to a tee. As a Reuters piece aptly headlined the matter, the Americans in Afghanistan are "hooked on air power." Americans have long been so. After all, with the singular exception of various Central American proxy wars during the Reagan years, air war has essentially been the American way of war since World War II.from
Tom Dispatch
posted 2007-07-09 09:37:45
Tomgram: Carnage from the Air and the Washington Consensus
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"Accidents" of War
The Time Has Come for an Honest Discussion of Air PowerBy Tom Engelhardt
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