Saturday, July 07, 2007

John Urry on Global Complexity, Human Rights & Cognitive Liberty

what? A Way Out! Universal Global Health/Dental Care, global G.I. Bill and Universal Gaia Education, A secular Space, Cognitive Liberty, and Human Rights for all on earth. Bucky showed that the Innovations produced from this way more than pays for itself up to 11 to 1 invested ...


Thus globalisation seems to involve some weakening of the power of the social and a corresponding development of ‘post-national’ citizenship (Rose 1996). Soysal argues that national citizenship is losing ground to a more universal model of membership located within an increasingly de-territorialised notion of a person’s more universal rights (1994: 3; Bauböck 1994). This post-national citizenship is especially connected with the growth of guest-working across many societies, greater global interdependence, increasingly overlapping memberships of different kinds of citizenship, and the emergence of universalistic rules and conceptions regarding human rights formalised by international codes and laws (such as the UN, UNESCO, ILO, EU, Council of Europe, Geneva Conventions, European Human Rights Convention and so on). Overall Soysal suggests an increasing contradiction between rights, which are universal, uniform and globally defined, and social identities, which are particularistic and territorially specified (1994).

John Urry continues here


Globalization and Citizenship - John Urry

Journal of World-Systems Research, Vol V, 2, 1999, 311-324
ISSN 1076-156X
©1999 John Urry.

Conference Program - Mobilities, Space, and Inequality, Basle 2007 14 May 2007

Mobilities, Space, and Inequality.

IV. Cosmobilities Network Meeting in Basle, 7.-8.9.2007

The social arrangements of space and social inequality have always formed intriguing associations, yet the dynamics introduced by modernization, globalization, migration, and social change in relation to space and inequality have not received sufficient attention in the social sciences. Developments in communication and transport technologies are offering new possibilities of social arrangements and inequality structures in time and space. As a result, new spatial settings and functional overlappings are possible, e.g. working from home, travel time as working time, long distance relationships, etc. Accordingly, spatial mobility constitutes a number of different types of mobility. Of interest are not only the different types of mobility but also their relations to each other, as well as to social inequality structures and their dynamics more generally.

The conference program and paper abstracts are online now.

The Venue
The conference takes place in Basle at the Departement of Sociology at Basle University. For further information, including online registration, rail and airport connection, please visit the conference website:

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