Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Megalithic legacy Neolithic conf. in Malta 3-11 November 2007

Conference, tour, and workshops:
On approaches to understanding the origins of our megalithic legacy
The Caraffa Stores, Birgu, Island of Malta
3rd - 11th November 2007

Metageum '07: This week-long event comprises three threads centred on the theme of understanding the consciousness of the people who built the megalithic temples::

* Conference: An international, inter-disciplinary conference on different ways of approaching the thinking and imagination of the Neolithic people who built the megalithic temples in Malta and elsewhere in the world.
* Workshops: A series of experiential workshops enabling us to make the imaginative leap into the Neolithic worldview.
* Tour: A tour of Malta's megalithic heritage.

It takes place on the Vittoriosa Waterfront on the Mediterranean island of Malta, an island noted for its exceptional legacy of prehistoric temples.


Paul Devereux

Erik Davis

Benny Shanon

Prospective webcast: Glastonbury Radio is hoping to broadcast the event live on the internet, and is currently seeking commercial sponsors to make this happen. Glastonbury Radio's live webcast of the Megalithomania conference in Glastonbury (19th-20th May) proved to be very popular with the online radio audience.

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