Monday, December 31, 2007
Download Uproar: Record Industry Goes After Personal Use
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Friday, December 07, 2007
"addiction" obsolete! It's now controlled "dependence" says DSM-IV
From the right, the directors of the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) and the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) have written a plea to return to the term “addiction” – which was replaced by “dependence” in DSM-IV – in DSM-V.
For example, these assessments will often refer to a prior dependence diagnosis, then claim the person has relapsed since they are again drinking. But, per my role in that volume, there is no mention of use as a sign of relapse, but only use leading to “clinically significant impairment or distress.” DSM thu takes the radical position that use of any drug can be controlled, including even following a diagnosis of dependence. Continue at
from Stanton Peele's blog
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Neurocomix by Tim Leary and Alan Moore's Promethea
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Neurocomix by Tim Leary and Alan Moore's Promethea
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Neurocomix by Tim Leary and Alan Moore's Promethea
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Friday, November 30, 2007
David J. Brown on new Psychedelic Healing research in Scientific American magazine

psychedelic perfumes/pheromones from bees
and San Pedro cactus
Scientific American Mind - December, 2007
Psychedelic Healing?
Hallucinogenic drugs, which blew minds in the 1960s, soon may be used to treat mental ailments
By David Jay Brown
Graphic - Key Concepts
Mind-Bending Therapies
* The drugs that put the “psychedelic” into the
sixties are now the subject of renewed research interest because of their therapeutic potential.
* Psychedelics such as LSD and the compound in magic mushrooms could ease a variety of difficult-to-treat mental illnesses, such as chronic depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, and drug or alcohol dependency.
* Clinical trials with various substances are now under way in humans.
ind-altering psychedelics are back—but this time they are being explored in labs for their therapeutic applications rather than being used illegally. Studies are looking at these hallucinogens to treat a number of otherwise intractable psychiatric disorders, including chronic depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, and drug or alcohol dependency.
The past 15 years have seen a quiet resurgence of psychedelic drug research as scientists have come to recognize the long-underappreciated potential of these drugs. In the past few years, a growing number of studies using human volunteers have begun to explore the possible therapeutic benefits of drugs such as LSD, psilocybin, DMT, MDMA, ibogaine and ketamine.
Only available online now
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
RU Sirius launches Open Source Reality movement. Open Source Political Par
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Monday, November 26, 2007
The Six Wives of Timothy Leary by John Higgs
The Six Wives of Timothy Leary - reviewed by John Higgs
I was kindly invited along to the press night of this play yesterday, and got to meet the cast and writer afterwards. All very enjoyable. My review follows. I never expected to be writing theatre reviews here; perhaps one day there'll be Tim Leary: The Musical...
Etcetera Theatre, Camden High Street London, until Dec 9th
As any Learyphile will tell you, you get the Timothy Leary you deserve. Such is the ever-shifting nature of his character that he is almost impossible for a writer to depict without revealing far more about themselves than about him.
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Google Psychedelic? Doyle? Ecodelics lsd psybernetics? autopoiesis gettin' a Clue!
from rose rose on realitysandwich
Google is the first psychedelically informed superpower to shape the noosphere and NASDAQ. I don't mean that Googlers (necessarily) are all seasoned psychonauts, or (necessarily) take 4:20 breaks on-campus, or are well represented (necessarily) at Burning Man. Nor am I saying that psychedelics “caused” Google, any more than a Stanford education did. I do mean that the core mission comes right out of the psychedelic atlas: a vision of super-connectivity and super-conductivity that is a hallmark of the psychedelic landscape. An exceptional treatment of this theme is Rich Doyle’s book Ecodelic!, forthcoming from the University of Washington Press in 2008. Every search returns a new (always new because always shifting and adding and growing) set of filaments connecting the searcher's quest to their potential grail. Every quest or re-quest weaves the mycelial mat of connections more densely: among people, data, images, jokes, video, ads, text messages, music, maps, and cultural artifacts of every communicable variety.
Friday, September 21, 2007
Pangea animations

Astronomy Picture of the Day
Discover the cosmos! Each day a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe is featured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer.
2007 September 22
See Explanation. Clicking on the picture will download the highest resolution version available.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Whose Betrayal? |
Bush was using a familiar right-wing tactic: identifying himself with a military uniform and the stature of the military in general, when he had no military stature himself. Rudy Guiliani used the same tactic in his ad in Friday's New York Times: by associating himself with Petraeus' rank and role, hoping some of the stature of the military would rub off on him. The implicit message is an attack on MoveOn: in pointing out Petraeus' deception, MoveOn, so Giuliani implies, was being disrespectful of the military itself. This is a typical right-wing attack on progressives, and progressives shouldn't stand for it. They should not be allowed to hide behind the troops. The troops themselves have been betrayed. None of us wants to hear it, to know it, to acknowledge it. Least of all me. It disgusts me how the troops have been betrayed by people saying, "Support our troops." But it is true, and millions of us must start saying so. There are unacknowledged villains behind this carnage.In a country that takes its freedoms seriously, freedom of speech must be maintained. Betrayal through deception is much worse than being impolite. Where tens of thousands of deaths and maimings are concerned, it is immoral not to point out betrayals when they are real. It is patriotic to root out betrayal on grand scale wherever it occurs.Whose Betrayal? |
Blogged with Flock
Sunday, September 16, 2007
35-year Time Lapse of Tokyo Skyline
This 10 second time lapse compresses 35 years of skyscraper construction in Shinjuku district of Tokyo. It’s worth watching several times. Watch on YouTube or click here:
Blogged with Flock
Friday, September 14, 2007
Manuel DeLanda vids
Playlist: Manuel De Landa - The Philosophy of Gilles Deleuze 2007Add Video to QuickList Manuel DeLanda - The Philosophy of Gilles Deleuze. 2007 1/510:00 Manuel DeLanda lecturing about the philosophy of Gilles Deleuze. Public Open Video Lecture at European Graduate School EGS, Media and Communication Studies department program. Saas-Fee, Switzerland 2007. Manuel De Landa. Gilles Deleuze.YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.
Blogged with Flock
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Chalmers Johnson, Agency of Rogues
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Sunday, August 26, 2007
Wasson's Thesis/Theory Project One Step Beyond - The Sacred Mushroom (1961)
Monday, August 13, 2007

E r i k
D a v i s
The Crazy Wisdom of Philip K. Dick
8 Week Course
Sept 17 to Nov 11
Erik Davis is the author of Techgnosis and The Visionary State: A Journey through California’s Spiritual Landscape. Erik consulted on the script for A Scanner Darkly, and was recognized by the New Yorker for his expertise in PKD’s work. He has taught courses at UC Berkeley, UC Davis, and the California Institute of Integral Studies. He is working on a book about PKD.
Monday, August 06, 2007
spook Country by william Gibson ongoing interactive Noospherics developments
Gibson talks from 2nd Life VR
Jason Bourne Ultimatum antidote to US "govt." shredding Universal Human Rights
"Hollywood" continues the "we're only doing this "to save American Lives""! subtext. Two other films in x had the same agenda....Reduce "terrorism" by introducing Universal Human
Rights for all Humans. The Creator gave all Humans the 5th Amendment and the right
to not be tortured or "interrorgated"...
David vs. G.O.L.I.A.T.H.
"Privacy?!, Get Over It!" , Bill Clinton after Monica Lewenski
How to help the "terrroritius" theArms race heats UP
Thursday, August 02, 2007
Endless Summer of Loving continues in Vancouver this month
The Psychedelic Pioneers is one of many feature films and documentaries being shown at Pacific Cinmathque during its Summer of Love series, which starts Friday and runs until Aug. 16.
The Psychedelic Pioneers is being shown Wednesday, Aug. 8 at 7:30 p.m. It will be preceded by two shorts: Sal Mineo narrating LSD: Insight or Insanity?, a scare film about the dangers of LSD, and LSD: The Trip to Where?, which includes Leary talking about the difference between a good and bad trip on acid.
Curated by Videomatica's Graham Peat and Jim Sinclair, with help from Kier-la Janisse, the Summer of Love series includes many rarely seen films such as The Trip, described as one of Hollywood's most accurate portrayals of what it's like to take LSD, Psych-Out, set in Haight-Ashbury and starring Susan Strasberg, Dean Stockwell, Jack Nicholson and Bruce Dern, and Something's Happening a.k.a. Hippie Revolt, a cinma vrit look at youth culture in San Francisco and Los Angeles in 1966-67.
![]() | The story of The Psychedelic Pioneers is part leading-edge medical research and part utopian idealism. More than 40 years ago, in a remote corner of the Canadian Prairies, three gifted psychiatrists conducted a cutting-edge research project with an extraordinarily powerful drug - LSD. |
List of films
Wonderwall + Reflections on Love +
Donovan music videos for “Wear Your Love Like Heaven” | Monterey Pop |
The Trip + Invasion of the Thunderbolt Pagoda | Psych-Out |
Something's Happening AKA Hippie Revolt +
Beyond LSD! + Psychedelic Hippie Love-In
::More links at the bottom of the page::
Wonderwall Great Britain 1968. Director: Joe Massot Cast: Jack MacGowran, Jane Birkin, Irene Handl, Richard Wattis, Iain Quarrier |
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
Peter Stafford de-animates-- Master Psychedelic Investigator

Peter with his Playing (working!) Walls! and T-Shirt. Peter liked to process and compress his working files and database for his next Project to the size of the binder he has in his hands! Very Portable. Also to wallpaper his room with the history of Media Images associated with Psychedelics, as Peter was always collecting new material for the next edition of Psychedelics Encyclopedia. Peter used this photo as his business card! About mid 1980's?
Peter Stafford 2003 paperback from Ronin Publishers

LSD - The Problem-Solving Psychedelic
©1967 by Peter Stafford and Bonnie Golightly
Published by Award Books, New York

Check out bruce's comments below
Books by Peter G. Stafford
* Psychedelics encyclopedia
* Psychedelics by Peter Stafford p. 2003 from Ronin Press newer diff. pback book
LSD: The Problem-Solving Psychedelic written with Bonnie Golightly (1967, Award Books),
* Heavenly Highs: Ayahuasca, Kava-Kava, DMT, and Other Plants …
* Magic Mushrooms
Psychedelic baby reaches puberty;: An assemblage, by Peter G Stafford (Unknown Binding - 1971)
LSD in Action ?
Yage in the valley of fire by Peter G Stafford (Unknown Binding - 1967)
Peter's very extensive website Psychedelics 101
see newer material at Ronin press
Acid Baby

from Erowid
sample writing
A Review of Pihkal
Note: Pihkal is available from the Island Group Marketplace for $18.95 (P. X) and at 978 pages also may be the biggest book bargain of the century.
I wish to whisper into your ear a thought that has been recurrent in my mind since I first read this book. That is that this massive volume, whose first printing is already sold out, might well be the most important document of this century!
The first half of PIHKAL (Phenethylamines I Have Known and Loved), by Alexander and Ann Shulgin (Transform Press), is a thinly-veiled biography of one of our greatest "white shamans," a chemist in this instance, and of his seduction by his second wife, Ann. The second half describes synthesis routes, dosage recommendations, and comments about the duration and qualities of 179 semi-synthetic molecules which have been both "known" and "loved" by seasoned psychenauts.
Peter first took peyote in the early 'Sixties and was an editor of Crawdaddy, the first rockmagazine.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Free/Cheap Oil/Energy Peak graph look see

Latest update on Peak Oil Nightmare Upcoming now
The first of the projections we call the "symmetric" projection. It simply assumes that oil production will decrease in the future in a manner similar to the way that it increased in the past. This method assumes that 2006 is the peak year; 2007 production will be equal to 2005 production; 2008 production will be equal to 2004; and so on. Thus, the future is expected to be a mirror image of the past.
The second projection is what we call the "analyst average" method. Here, we average five projections assuming peak in the 2005 to 2007 period - two made by Ace, one made by Bakhtiari, and two made by Robelius. We have adjusted all of the projections to a "total liquids" basis for this comparison (that is, including ethanol and other liquid fuels that are similar to oil), so that they are comparable to each other and to the historical data.
Figure 1 shows that the projection methods produce fairly similar results. Both methods show production declining fairly rapidly:
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Clear Light .EU updates/upgrades Huxley & Watts!

Effing the Ineffable *NEW*
A close reading of Aldous Huxley's The Doors of Perception and Alan Watts' The Joyous Cosmology. Draws on linguistics, conceptual dynamics, philosophy, and perceptual theory in an effort to reconcile the contradictory aspects of the texts within a nondual framework that necessarily subverts language.
Huxley leaned toward the latter camp. In his view, however, time was running out for the actualisation of this potential. Man was at the precipice of unmitigated disaster. As Jay Stevens writes, a way had to be found to heal the gap between homo faber, man the wielder of increasingly ingenious and dangerous tools, and homo sapiens, man the smart monkey who had mastered the planet but not his own inner flaws - flaws that were now threatening to bring the whole evolutionary game to a precipitous close.10 Accompanied by the writer-philosopher Gerald Heard, Huxley began an investigation into the esoteric wisdom traditions of the East in the hope of formulating a remedy to these ails. This culminated in 1945 in the publication of The Perennial Philosophy, an annotated compendium of the perceived similarities between widely divergent mystical experiences of centuries passed. Central to Huxley's philosophy was the theory put forward by Bergson that the brain and the central nervous system operated as an eliminative system that screened much out of consciousness, leaving only that necessary for practical survival. In the twentieth century, however, Huxley felt that a way had to found which would bypass Bergson's 'reducing valve' and tap the unlimited potentials of the brain. The mystical experience, in Huxley's view, broached this issue squarely. How to achieve the experience was an entirely different matter.
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Alpert & Metzner on early 60's with Gary Bravo on Psychedelic never lets UP!

March 2008
By Ram Dass and Ralph Metzner
With Gary Bravo
Paperback ISBN 9780907791386
okFriday, July 27, 2007
Samantha Powers on Bush Admin disasters
Samantha Powers writes
The most counterintuitive, as well as the most politically difficult, premise of the manual is that the American military must assume greater risk in order to gather much-needed intelligence and, in the end, achieve greater safety. The emphasis of the 1990s on force protection is overturned by the assertion of several breathtaking paradoxes: “Sometimes, the more you protect your force, the less secure you may be.” “Sometimes, the more force is used, the less effective it is.” “Sometimes doing nothing is the best reaction.” Sarah Sewall, a former Pentagon official who teaches at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University (and a close colleague of mine), has contributed an introduction that should be required reading for anybody who wants to understand the huge demands effective counterinsurgency will place on the military and the voting public. “Those who fail to see the manual as radical probably don’t understand it,” she writes, “or at least what it’s up against.” continued here
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Lovelock, Brand, Moore? bizarre promoters of Nuclear Power
Or you could be sitting next to scientist and Gaia theorist James Lovelock, a supporter of Environmentalists for Nuclear Energy™, which quotes him saying, “We have no time to experiment with visionary energy sources; civilisation is in imminent danger and has to use nuclear—the one safe, available, energy source—now or suffer the pain soon to be inflicted by our outraged planet.”
If you sit next to Lovelock, you might start by mentioning that half the farms in this country had windmills before Marie Curie figured out anything about radiation or Lise Meitner surmised that atoms could be split. Wind power is not visionary in the sense of experimental. Neither is solar, which is already widely used. Nor are nukes safe, and they take far too long to build to be considered readily available. Yet Stewart Brand, of Whole Earth Catalog fame, has jumped on the nuclear bandwagon, and so has Greenpeace founding member turned PR flack Patrick Moore. So you must be prepared.
Published on Thursday, June 2, 2005 by the Inter Press Service
Nukes-Against-Global Warming Strategy Scored as Too Costly
by Stephen Leahy
The Rocky Mountain Institute, a non-profit energy research organization, has calculated that improvements in energy efficiency are six times more cost effective than nuclear power and eliminate the need for all existing nuclear plants and any future ones.
''All of this could be done without any changes to our way of life,'' said Hoffman.
Why the push for nuclear power? In Hoffman's view, because ''the nuclear industry are major donors to Bush Republicans and have a direct channel to power in Washington.''
© Copyright 2005 IPS - Inter Press Service
from Reuters:
Japan quake sends tremors across nuclear industry
By Barbara Lewis and Peter Dinkloh - Analysis
LONDON/FRANKFURT (Reuters) - A Japanese earthquake that forced the closure of the world's biggest nuclear plant has highlighted the energy source's dangers, just when support had been growing.
Worries about security of energy supply and the urgency of fighting climate change had helped to overcome years of opposition to nuclear power after the 1986 Chernobyl disaster.
Generating nuclear power does not produce any of the carbon emissions blamed for warming the planet.
Monday, July 23, 2007
Joanna & John chat about "Sacred Cows": getting on with Open Source "religion" UPgrades

WonderFull! AweFull!
LATEST BROADCAST - July 16, 2007
The Cyberworld Demystified: Savior, Trickster, or Just A Gadget? Comments on IT and the cult of technology.
LENGTH: 34.31 mins. SIZE: 7.89MB
Beautiful Material!
July 26, 2007 - The Arc of the Species: The Noosphere and the Myth of Ascending Evolution
August 5, 2007 - Against Christianity: The Illuminist Option in Buddhism and Gnosis
August 16, 2007 - Gaia's Way: The Psychonautic Adventure as a Path of Coevolution
August 26, 2007 - 2012 and the Next Age: Trauma and Mutation in the Piscean Endtime

Thursday, July 12, 2007
Battle of Bands Beatles vs Stones Cinematic Shoot-out Double-Feature!

Opening Night Extravaganza!
West Coast Premiere Of Ultra-Rare 1964 Beatles Documentary!
Beatles vs Stones Cinematic Shoot-out Double-Feature!
- Saturday July 14, 2007 - 9:00pm
Egyptian Theatre, HollywoodUltra-rare 35mm screening of Otto Preminger's cult classic!
First Hollywood screening in 25 years!
Special "Skidoo" Guests! - SKIDOO
This is the first 35mm screening in Hollywood of this ultra-rare Otto Preminger cult classic in over 25 years. This infamous acid-comedy stars Jackie Gleason, Carol Channing and Groucho Marx in his last film. Several of the cast and crew – including Otto and Groucho – took acid trips as pre-filming research! Event will be attended by special guests from the Skidoo universe! Never on VHS! NOT ON DVD!
Buy Tickets Now! More Info...
Monday, July 09, 2007
ignorant & impotent Bush/USA terrorists bombing people

bomb the Brutes! get on Amazon
Tom (TE) says- As the Europeans are well aware, air power -- given the civilian casualties that invariably follow in its wake -- is intensely counterproductive in a guerrilla war. "Every civilian dead means five new Taliban," was the way a British officer just returned from Helmand Province put it recently.
However, an air-power strategy fits American predilections to a tee. As a Reuters piece aptly headlined the matter, the Americans in Afghanistan are "hooked on air power." Americans have long been so. After all, with the singular exception of various Central American proxy wars during the Reagan years, air war has essentially been the American way of war since World War II.from
Tom Dispatch
posted 2007-07-09 09:37:45
Tomgram: Carnage from the Air and the Washington Consensus
[Note to Tomdispatch readers: After a July 4th break, Tomdispatch is back -- with a favor to ask. In addition to everyone who bookmarks Tomdispatch, 18,000 of you now get e-mails letting you know whenever a new piece has been posted. (Many tens of thousands more read pieces from the site reposted elsewhere.) Most new readers sign up for those emails thanks to word of mouth, a formidable force in the on-line world. For those of you who already are hooked on TD, I wanted to urge you to lend the site a word-of-mouth hand (if you'll excuse the mixed metaphor). Why not write perhaps 10 people you know who might benefit from getting Tomdispatch regularly, urging them to go to the "sign up" window at the upper right of the main screen, put in their e-mail addresses, answer the confirmation letter that will quickly arrive in their in-boxes, and so join the TD crew. For those of you with a few extra minutes, who are willing to spread the word, my thanks in advance. Tom]
"Accidents" of War
The Time Has Come for an Honest Discussion of Air PowerBy Tom Engelhardt
Saturday, July 07, 2007
John Urry on Global Complexity, Human Rights & Cognitive Liberty

what? A Way Out! Universal Global Health/Dental Care, global G.I. Bill and Universal Gaia Education, A secular Space, Cognitive Liberty, and Human Rights for all on earth. Bucky showed that the Innovations produced from this way more than pays for itself up to 11 to 1 invested ...
Thus globalisation seems to involve some weakening of the power of the social and a corresponding development of ‘post-national’ citizenship (Rose 1996). Soysal argues that national citizenship is losing ground to a more universal model of membership located within an increasingly de-territorialised notion of a person’s more universal rights (1994: 3; Bauböck 1994). This post-national citizenship is especially connected with the growth of guest-working across many societies, greater global interdependence, increasingly overlapping memberships of different kinds of citizenship, and the emergence of universalistic rules and conceptions regarding human rights formalised by international codes and laws (such as the UN, UNESCO, ILO, EU, Council of Europe, Geneva Conventions, European Human Rights Convention and so on). Overall Soysal suggests an increasing contradiction between rights, which are universal, uniform and globally defined, and social identities, which are particularistic and territorially specified (1994).
John Urry continues here
Journal of World-Systems Research, Vol V, 2, 1999, 311-324
ISSN 1076-156X
©1999 John Urry.
Conference Program - Mobilities, Space, and Inequality, Basle 2007 | 14 May 2007 | |
Mobilities, Space, and Inequality. IV. Cosmobilities Network Meeting in Basle, 7.-8.9.2007 The social arrangements of space and social inequality have always formed intriguing associations, yet the dynamics introduced by modernization, globalization, migration, and social change in relation to space and inequality have not received sufficient attention in the social sciences. Developments in communication and transport technologies are offering new possibilities of social arrangements and inequality structures in time and space. As a result, new spatial settings and functional overlappings are possible, e.g. working from home, travel time as working time, long distance relationships, etc. Accordingly, spatial mobility constitutes a number of different types of mobility. Of interest are not only the different types of mobility but also their relations to each other, as well as to social inequality structures and their dynamics more generally. The conference program and paper abstracts are online now. The Venue The conference takes place in Basle at the Departement of Sociology at Basle University. For further information, including online registration, rail and airport connection, please visit the conference website: |
Wow! Fitjof Capra UP levels Bateson, Varela, & Autopoiesis! Cognition is the Living Process

FC speaks at ISSS on lack of Intelligent Design in policies of US govt., US Media, & US Senate/Congress & The Academy!
see last i minuite of talk
01:30: 00!!
8:00p.m. Fritjof Capra, "Complexity and Life" [Digest as HTML] [MP3 audio]
(90 minutes, 42 MB)
full site for audios & texts
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
OMG! Nelly Furtado! sings Say It Right.. hot hot
Say It Right lyrics
From my hands I could give you
Something that I made
From my mouth I could sing you another brick that I laid
From my body I could show you a place God knows
You should know the space is holy
Do you really want to go?
Say It Right lyrics
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Megalithic legacy Neolithic conf. in Malta 3-11 November 2007

Conference, tour, and workshops:
On approaches to understanding the origins of our megalithic legacy
The Caraffa Stores, Birgu, Island of Malta
3rd - 11th November 2007
Metageum '07: This week-long event comprises three threads centred on the theme of understanding the consciousness of the people who built the megalithic temples::
* Conference: An international, inter-disciplinary conference on different ways of approaching the thinking and imagination of the Neolithic people who built the megalithic temples in Malta and elsewhere in the world.
* Workshops: A series of experiential workshops enabling us to make the imaginative leap into the Neolithic worldview.
* Tour: A tour of Malta's megalithic heritage.
It takes place on the Vittoriosa Waterfront on the Mediterranean island of Malta, an island noted for its exceptional legacy of prehistoric temples.
Paul Devereux
Erik Davis
Benny Shanon
Prospective webcast: Glastonbury Radio is hoping to broadcast the event live on the internet, and is currently seeking commercial sponsors to make this happen. Glastonbury Radio's live webcast of the Megalithomania conference in Glastonbury (19th-20th May) proved to be very popular with the online radio audience.
erik davis reports on Bardo Theory: Costa Rica "Mind" conf. PKDick
Erik Davis Reports
It seems as if all those Philip K. Dick novels were coming home to roost, and if the rest of the journey was more of your typical commercial airline hell, it remained permeated with the woozy disorientation caused by mistaken identity and the arbitrariness of the archons who rule these transit zones.
It may also be one of the most useful. Early in Waking Life, the Ethan Hawke character quotes Timothy Leary to the effect that, even if nothing of us survives death, the last few minutes of the brain's electrical activity may be experienced by the dying person as an entire life racing in time-lapse—or, as the film itself suggests, a nearly infinite labyrinth of dreams. From this perspective, the traditional teachings of bardo navigation may come in handy despite the basic reality of brain-death: even if we are only riding that last wave to flatline, it pays to know how to surf.
See also film on the Bardo Process during the Dying long does Dying last anyway? the extreme DMT probably kicks in. Maybe the homicidal Aztecs were getting off on the DMT squirt when one's beating heart was cut out and they drank the living blood?
Tim Leary wrote some on the Time Dilation Time manipulation during simulated Dying or very
high dose psychedelic trips
neurologic now online here
page 40

Sunday, July 01, 2007
get Deleuzed! DeLanda on a Roll! part 4/of 5
super rational, very psychedelic.
what? 4/5 talk parts
Transcendental Reservoir of Essences? Not! No way Jose!
see other 4 parts on Youtube....
Monday, June 25, 2007
The Iraqi Tribunal Charade --the complicit Media Plays Along
read more | digg story
Friday, June 22, 2007
sYnaesthetic & sensory anthro Conf. & EthnoGraphi Fims

27 JUNE - 2 JULY 2007
CELEBRATING 20 YEARS 1987 - 2007
sample talks & topics
2) Tickling the Senses: Colour, Synaesthesia, Film and Culture
Conveners & Discussants - Diana Young and Jennifer Deger
Barbara Saunders: Virilio and the Technology of Colour
Diana Young: The Invention of Colour
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Future Shock Toffler's on CoastToCoastAm Mon. June 18 2007
Monday, June 18Futurists Alvin & Heidi Toffler have helped millions around the world anticipate tomorrow. Focusing on families, finance, media, military and business, the Tofflers prepare us for the sweeping changes rushing toward us all. |
Alvin Toffler site
new book
Revolutionary Wealth
This long-awaited look at wealth in the 21st Century focuses on the economic revolution sweeping the globe and the impact it will have on everything from science and schools to property and politics, marketing and media.
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Rise of the New Atheists by ronald Aronson of The Nation
Rise of the New Atheists
By Ronald Aronson, The Nation
Posted on June 16, 2007, Printed on June 16, 2007
What began with publisher W.W. Norton taking a chance on a gutsy, hyperbolic and idiosyncratic attack on religion by a graduate student in neuroscience has grown into a remarkable intellectual wave.
DeLanda Videos from 2006 ESA
About:Manuel DeLanda lecturing about the philosophy of Gilles Deleuze, logic, meaning, and the understanding of geometry and mathematics in an open lecture at European Graduate School EGS, Media Studies department. Saas-Fee, Switzerland 2006. Manuel de Landa.
rest of vids on toutube
European Graduate School this Summer classes
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Amy & Mick duet Isle of Wight! too much!

this has happened in just six months!
from sunday daily mail
Meanwhile on stage, newlywed Amy Winehouse performed a duet with Mick Jagger, cementing her ascent to near superstar status after topping the charts in both the UK and the US.
Winehouse, teamed up with Jagger on Ain't Too Proud To Beg, a Temptations song the Stones recorded for the 1974 album It's Only Rock'n'Roll. An unintimidated Amy made a fine double act with Mick, with different vocal styles but similar waist sizes.
Sunday, June 10, 2007
John Lash audio interview with Joanna Harcourt-Smith

Future Primitive
The tenth interview is about the Healing Myth. A summary of Gnostic teachings on the Sophia, with emphasis on the healing effect of Her Story, the divine power of the Organic Light, and the quest for a new image of humanity. LEFT CLICK LISTEN | RIGHT CLICK (save as) DOWNLOAD
LENGTH: 46.16 mins. SIZE: 10.50MB
With John Lash's book, CGS is challenging the ideology and beliefs that threaten survival on this precious planet and presenting John's careful recovery and restoration of the Gnostic myth of the earth goddess, Sophia, who we today call Gaia.
I will be broadcasting a series of ten talks to be posted on Future Primitive twice a month, beginning February 8, 2007. I will be interviewing my collaborator and longtime friend, John Lash, about his book.
Friday, June 08, 2007
Candace Pert on Molecules of Embodimenting Joy Juice Opium as Sacred Herb of
this talk is online live now and should be available in archives soon enough
here are faster links to shows...Archive function finally works really well!
Listen live link
they now have really quick shows if you miss live one
archived link
1-3:30 AM Candace Pert Ph.D. "To Feel "Go(o)d: The Science and Spirit of
Bliss Is Your Biological Birthright - Are You Ready to Claim It?
To Dr. Candace Pert, 'feeling good' and 'feeling God' are one in the
same. You may be surprised to hear a world-renowned biophysicist
talking about God, yet Candace Pert is on the vanguard of a new breed of
scientists who fearlessly explore the territory where science and spirit
meet. On 'To Feel Go(o)d' Dr. Pert reveals that you are biologically
'hardwired for bliss' - all you need to do is tap your own body's
unlimited natural capacity for living in joy and connecting to the
divine. Join her on this new original audio to learn about:
+The biophysics of pleasure: How to get the most out of your body's
neurological capacity for ecstasy.
+ Forgiveness and you biology - why this powerful act can transfigure
and heal you at a cellular level.
+ What makes us feel bad? Simple changes that will eliminate obstacles
to your happiness.
+ How trauma is stored in the body, and strategies you can use to
release it.
+ Can science find God? A researcher's perspective on the universal
binding force of love, and more.
Since her appearance in 'What the Bleep Do We Know?' Candace Pert has
heard one question repeated again and again: 'How do I feel good in my
life?' With 'To Feel Go(o)d', this cutting-edge researcher and
spiritual philosopher brings you her insights on what you can do to
transcend transitory sensations of joy or pleasure - and inherit the
blissful union with God that is your evolutionary birthright.
Candace Pert, Ph.D. is an internationally recognized psycopharmacologist
and leading edge researcher, best known as the co-discoverer of the of
the 'pleasure' (or opiate) receptor and for her groundbreaking theories
on neuropeptides, consciousness, and reality. She is the author of
'Molecules of Emotion: The Science of Bodymind Medicine' and 'Everything
You Need to Know to Feel Go(o)d' has published over 250 articles in
peer-reviewed journal, and was a featured scientist in the film 'What
the Bleep Do We Know?' From Sounds True, 1 (800) 333-9185,
KPFK can be heard streaming live online at and click on
'listen live" Times are Pacific Time. Program times for
"Something's Happening!" are approximate but close and "Monday night" is
legally Tuesday morning et seq. Details of the
program which have not been described in this guide (some guest info,
music selections, tape sources etc) can be found at and click on 'what happened' and the actual
date of broadcast to find any information. Thanks to Archive Webmaster
James Pressler and Server Masters Riley and Mary McIntire
Many KPFK programs, including 'Something's Happening!' are now archived
on for 60 days after broadcast. To get to audio archives
click on 'audio archives.' Times listed are the legal time with Monday
night listed as Tuesday morning, etc. Translation: you can listen to
the show any time of the day or night on demand. Helpful Hint: If you
click on 'show' then the long list of programs will be arranged by show
rather than by day of broadcast.
Friday, June 01, 2007
Richard Alpert Ram Dass rare film/video on LSD
Richard Alpert (Ram Dass) discusses the psychological implications of the LSD psychedelic experience.
Richard Alpert Ram Dass LSD Acid Psychedelic Psychology
Added: 4 months ago in Category: Howto & DIY
From: majikrush
Views: 11,539
Christopher Hitchens on the Essential Stupidity of Religion
Christopher Hitchens on the Essential Stupidity of Religion
"Many people have been motivated to do grand, good things by faith, but why is that necessary?"
Tuesday, May 29, 2007 - 6:00 pm
He appears equally capable of pissing into your grandmother�s fish tank and beating you at chess: the quasi-omniscient Johnny Rotten of political journo-intellectualism, looking as if he were assembled hastily by sausage makers hoping to fill a suit with all the succulent impropriety of vitriolic yet delectable meats. A man well aware that the shortest distance (and least interesting path) between birth and death is a very straight line, he has the reputation of someone prone to the rich experiences offered by staggering. But contrary to the corroborating promises all but guaranteed by the YouTube versions of himself, Christopher Hitchens was not an as-advertised fucking dickhead asshole bully, much to my dismay.It was like meeting a clown without his makeup, away from the hysteria of his profession, who appears lovely and handsome and noble, if only because he isn�t trapped in a spotlight at the center of a ludicrous pie fight. CON. HERE
This week Slate is publishing three excerpts from Christopher Hitchens' new book, God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything.
1. Hitchens
2. God: The Failed Hypothesis. How Science Shows That God Does Not Exist by Victor J Stenger
3. Kathleen Kennedy's
4. Julia Sweeney's One Woman Play and Freedom from Religion Society and Jesus!, Protect me from your Follower's Lawsuit against the US Media, President Bush, US Congress & Senate!
5. Sam Harris
6. The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins
7. The Assault on Reason by Al Gore!
8. The Hoax of Salvation by John Lash!
One of the better reviews on Amazon
Hitchens hits another one out of the park, April 29, 2007
By | K. Knighton (Seattle) - See all my reviews![]() |
the increasingly publicly-accepted insanity of religion in this, the 21st century. This insanity threatens to bring down all of civilization and, in the case of American fundamentalists in our government with their quivering fingers poised atop the launch buttons of our nuclear weapons, the end of Everything, which religious nut-jobs anticipate with unrestrained glee, so certain they are that they, at least, will be OK in the aftermath. This is just absolutely nuts, and Christopher Hitchens does us all a great service in pointing this out.
more at
see more at amazon with their forums on this topic
Salvation and Why You Don't Need It
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Amy Winehouse hits big time! Rolling Stoned ! Spin

from Idolator
Spin cover !
Rollin' Stoned cover
Wuss US CD executives leave Addicted off Amy's US debut CD??!! WTFcuk?
buy UK "Addicted" on UK Back to Black CD
Addicted on Back to Black CD UK
Tell your boyfriend next time he around
To buy his own weed and don't wear my shit down
I wouldn't care if brave would give me some more
I'd rather him leave you then leave him my draw
When you smoke all my weed man
You gotta call the green man
So I can get mine and you get yours
Once is enough to make me attack
So bring me a bag and your man can come back
I'll check him at the door make sure he got green
I'm tighter than airport security teams
When you smoke all my weed man
You gotta call the green man
So I can get mine and you get yours
I'm my own man so when will you learn
That you got a man but I got to burn
Don't make no difference if I end up alone
I'd rather have myself a smoke my homegrown
It's got me addicted, does more than any dick did
Yeh I can get mine and you get yours
Yeh I can get mine and you get yours
order the UK CD! on iTunes UK or Amazon UK